Nittel municipal administration
The municipality of Nittel with its districts of Rehlingen and Köllig has almost 2,825 inhabitants, making it one of the larger communities within the commune of Konz in the county of Trier-Saarburg.
Local mayor
Peter Leo Hein
Im Hübelgarten 46, 54453 Nittel-Köllig
Tel. 0170 8515574
Consultatons with the mayor take place weekly in Nittel community centre (Bürgerhaus):
6–8 p.m.
Tel. 06584 1222
1st deputy
Arno Scheuer
Unterm Kamp 1
Tel. 06584 952576
Email: info[at]
2nd deputy
Nico Sonntag
Im Pflanzgarten 4
Tel. 06584 239
Email: weingut-sonntag[at]
Rehlingen town leader
Martin Ewald
Im Burggarten 11
Tel. 06583 867 4430
Mobil 0176 820 821 90
E-Mail: martin.ewald[at]
Deputy Rehlingen town leader
Daniel Scheuer
Tel. 0170 459 1318
Email: ScheuerDaniel2[at]
Egon Weber
Tel. 06583 810
Email: weingut-egonweber[at]
Köllig town leader
Lotta Mari-Anna Oittinen
Am grauen Stein 5
Tel. 06584 992116
E-Mail: lotta.oittinen[at]
Municipal statistics
2,825 inhabitants (2022)
Köllig (approx. 160 inhabitants)
Rehlingen (approx. 190 inhabitants)
The municipality of Nittel has an area of 1,698 hectares.
Local councillors 2024–2029
Lukas Apel (FWG)
Berthold Beck (CDU)
Marvin Beck (Wählerliste Kimmer)
Peter Bock (UBN)
Carina Curmann (CDU)
Albert Dostert (Wählerliste Kimmer)
Horst Frieden (FWG)
Lena Hein (CDU)
Kevin Kimmer (Wählerliste Kimmer)
Ines Krienke (SPD)
Horst Longen (CDU)
Lotta Mari-Anna Oittinen (FWG)
Thomas Repplinger (CDU)
Haiko Schettgen (SPD)
Max Schruff (SPD)
Thomas Sonntag (FWG)
Roland Steinbach (UBN)
Karin Thömmes (SPD)
Leo Weber (CDU)
Patrick Zilliken (CDU)
Building committee
Audit committee
Budget and finance committee
Committee for Culture, Tourism and Economic Development
Consolidation contract for participation in the Rhineland-Palatinate Municipal Debt Relief Fund (KEF-RP) and the consolidation path (updated annually) for Nittel